Work towards a Net Zero Waste to Landfill Construction & Demolition Site.

At WasteXpert™, we provide innovative and sustainable waste management solutions that prioritise the environment while meeting the unique needs of our clients.

Real-Time Tracking

Get a Site-Specific Waste Management Plan & Report, tailored to:

  • YOUR Waste Production.

  • YOUR Site Requirements.

  • YOUR Waste Journey.

  • YOUR Project.

It’s time to stand-up against settling for averages and bulk reports. Understand YOUR data to better reduce YOUR waste and carbon emissions.

Have a site-specific waste management plan produced (including a waste forecast, bin quantities, waste providers,

Tailored programs and implementation on your project, including Signage, Education Sessions, Waste Station Set-up, Site Audits & Visits, or Skip-Dives for Detailed Breakdowns.

Receive a site-specific report on your Waste Production, Material Breakdown, Costs, Waste Values, Diversion Percentage and Breakdown, and estimated CO₂ Quantities.

  1. Planning & Forecasting

2. Implementation and Diversion

3. Reporting

Step into the future of waste management with WasteXpert™ – your partner in Waste Diversion.